Friday, March 13, 2009

He's a BIG, BIG GOD!!!

Can you truly imagine the sight Isaiah saw???? I can't. I yearn to see it with all my heart, but I just can't wrap my mind around how big our God truly is. And I'm so glad I can't!
I don't know about you, but I NEED a big God. I need Him to be bigger than anything that faces me. I need Him to be bigger than the evil that surrounds us. I need Him to be worthy of all glory, honor, power, and worship and adoration I can give Him - and even more.
God IS bigger than everything, dear one. Bigger than whatever's facing you right now. Tell you what. Instead of facing that THING, turn and face GOD. When your eyes and heart are full of Him, you won't be caring about that THING anymore. He'll take care of you. He loves you SO MUCH. He wants you to long for Him, too. You are in His heart, in His hands, in His ever-loving arms.
Be blessed, dear one. I love you, too!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ya know...whats really sad is that many of us FORGET to turn towards God unless we are in turmoil. Its like we have to be beat over the head with conflict to say---oh yeah...Gods here. He wants to be the King of all. Hmmm....maybe I should let him. Thanks for the reminder...Love you too!