Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Freebie for you!

Hi, y'all. Just wanted to tell you that I just joined a new site that looks promising. IF things go well, I'll probably be blogging a little bit about stuff I get to try. :D YOU have a chance to get a coupon for FreshExpress Salad - just click on that link! :D AND to join the site, too. Hey, free groceries are GOOD - I know most of us are really strapped. And our local newspaper said the recession ENDED two years ago. HA! Being more conscience of available discounts is a great way to be a good steward of what we DO have, don't you think? :D Good luck getting your coupon! (The site's a bit slow....)

1 comment:

Ginny said...

I was too late logging into Vocalpoint and missed the freebie. Too bad, but I've gotten a lot of great freebies, as well as great coupons in the time I've been a member.