Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas, Christmastime is HERE!
Hello, dear friends! How are you this beautiful day? It's SUNNY here - I know Kenn will be THRILLED about that. he's been bemoaning the fact he hasn't seen the sun in days. It makes him even crankier. LOL!
It's the 19th of December. Only a few more days until we celebrate the birthday of our King! Our church held its birthday celebration on Wednesday - it was a HUGE party. :) There was dancing everywhere, and so many carols - so much jubilation! Many, many different ways of giving thanks for the amazing grace that came from Heaven were shown Wednesday night. It was amazing.
Have you been too caught up in the hustle and bustle of this season? Have you been able to just SIT, and dwell on His amazing love for you? Or to celebrate the gratitude in your heart towards Him? I would encourage you to do so! :D
The picture above is one of our newest acquisitions for our decorating in the kitchen (I'll try to get a few pictures from the open house up soon....). He was originally made to be a paper towel holder, but I LOVE this little snowman's attitude: HUG ME! BE HAPPY!!!!!! :D
I encourage you, dear friend, to bring someone to your house this season. A close friend you want to enjoy, a friend who's having a difficult time this year due to stress or loss, someone you want to get to know better. Welcome them. Treat them to an hour of your time. Share a season of peace and hope with them. Bless them - and you will be absolutely AMAZED at how blessed you are in return.
YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
And the winner is....
SUSAN! :) Congratulations, Susan! I'll wait for your email to to confirm and send!!
I generated the winner with; it was difficult to make myself do it that way. Those of you who are my close friends, know I would have picked each one of you if it was fair! LOL!!!!!!!!!
BE BLESSED, dear friends. Tomorrow's the open house, so I need to fly! I hope you're stopping by if you're local!!!!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
6:24 PM
Labels: blog candy, Christmas, friends, giveaway, Lori, love, Pooh, win
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
There's still time to enter!
It's not too late to enter the blog drawing - GO HERE to read details and enter!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
5:09 PM
Labels: blog candy, celebration, challenge, Christmas, gift, giveaway, God, grace, gratitude, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, Pooh, second chances
Thursday, December 4, 2008
It's BLOG CANDY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by
Lori Stilger
7:41 AM
Labels: blessing, blog, blog candy, Christmas, life, Lori, love, Pooh
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Peace on earth, good will toward men....
Happy December, my friends! Thank you for those of you who have checked in; things have been rough for me the last few weeks - but I KNOW my God is in control, so I continue to struggle back to rest in Him. :) I KNOW you know how it goes. What's that saying? :Life is what happens to you while you're making plans"? :D
ANYWAY. This picture is my little tree in the stamping area. I love this tree; it's silver, but it's a 4-footer. Maybe that makes it easier to love? :D The stamping area is done in blue, white, and sliver; it's VERY peaceful. I can sit in here and work just by Christmas lights. RUDOLPH is on the TV behind me, Kenn's upstairs working, and I am sitting here counting my blessings again. I'm HOME. I have some of my loved ones here with me during this special time of the year. God send His only Son to live a humble life - to live and be tempted by things we're all tempted by, to know pain and joy. I am so blessed. I live in a beautiful home. I am loved.
So are you. :) I hope you find a quiet moment to sit and count your blessings this week, too. It helps keeping Christ the middle of your season! :)
If you're interested in reading our Christmas newsletter this year, you can find it HERE.
Be blessed, my dear friend!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I know I've been a stranger lately....
I've been busy, and I'm not sure where God's leading me with this blog anymore.
With that said, :), here's an article I'm reprinting with permission - I think it will help you out! :) (Written from a secular viewpoint, but worth reading!!) ENJOY!
Now that the holidays and holiday shopping are upon us, here are 10 simple ways to organize and simplify your spending.
1) Decide on a budget. Decide how much you can spend this holiday season. Once you have your number, determine who you're buying for and how much you can spend on each person to keep at, or under, your budget.
2) Use one credit card. Rather than using several different cards, consolidate all of your purchases on one single credit card. If you have to return something, you'll know which card you used. You won't have to carry tons of cards in your wallet everywhere you go. You'll only have to pay one credit card bill at the end of each month.
3) Think lightweight. When buying gifts for family members and friends that you need to send through the mail, keep the weight of those gifts in mind. The lighter the item (think gift cards!), the less the postage. This is especially true for your international packages.
4) Buy gift cards, for yourself. Determine what your shopping budget is and buy gift cards in your favorite stores for that amount. Whenever you purchase something, use your gift cards. When your gift cards have run out, you've reached your budget.
5) Buy family gifts. Rather than purchasing gifts for each person in a particular family, get one family gift that the entire household will enjoy, such as a game or movie tickets.
6) Simplify toyland. Many young kids will find just as much joy in playing with nested Tupperware containers, drawing on scrap paper and filling a bucket with snow, as they would with a store-bought toy. This is not to say you should be a scrooge this holiday season and I'm not suggesting you don't buy your kids any toys. But try to keep the volume of toys you plan to purchase in mind, especially since many toys are forgotten quickly after the wrapping paper is removed.
7) Shop early. Last minute shopping can result in overspending and tons of stress. You're in good shape if you could get all of your Christmas shopping done at least two weeks prior to December 25th.
8) Increase your income. Do things around the holidays that bring in some extra money, such as a part-time job at a retail store, babysitting, becoming the official neighborhood gift wrapper or selling quilts or whatever crafty thing you make.
9) Get creative. Rather than running to the mall whenever you need a gift, how about giving something you made using something you might already have in your house. Some ideas are hand-stamped stationery, homemade bread or fudge, a quilt or homemade soap. You could also give a gift of a service, such as free babysitting to a friend with kids, or free snow shoveling to a neighbor who is not able to do so.
10) Stick to your list. When you go shopping, go with a list and only buy things on your list. Keep your attention focused on those items you originally set out to buy. When people browse around and window shop, they tend to spend a lot more then they originally intended.
by Maria Gracia - Get Organized Now!
FREE Idea-Pak and E-zine filled with tips, ideas,articles and more to help you organize your home,your office and your life at the Get Organized Now!Web site!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Cool email I received today!
BE BLESSED!!! (It DOES actually make a bell, but it's too wide for any of Blogger's layouts. SO, if you want it, email me and I'll send it to you. :))
Monday, November 17, 2008
Greg McDougal!
Go watch this video, and tell me what you enjoy about Greg. Leave me a comment!
Go to his website,, and leave me a comment about he and his family.
For every comment you leave, you're entered to win a copy of his NEW CD, TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS - duets with MANY musical guests, including THE OAKRIDGE BOYS!
All you have to do to win is leave me comments. :D They MUST have something to do with the two lines above. No vague, "Enter me!" kind of entries will be counted. :D
ENJOY. And bless Greg and the new foundation in any way you can - prayers are most important, but financial blessings are the way God uses His people to be His hands!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
8:00 PM
Labels: A House For My Kids, battle, blessed, blessing, blog candy, CD, Cystic Fibrosis, Greg Mcdougal, laughter, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, Pooh, The Oakridge Boys, win
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Good Wednesday Afternoon!
PHEW. I think I usually block November out of my mind. :D I'm SO busy, I can't even think!!!!! Those of you who follow my stamping blog know I've been out of town on business, teaching two to three classes a week, and trying to keep all the OTHER balls up in the air - I've got a craft fair this weekend, and prayers for God's prosperity, whether that be meeting people, networking, or sales, would be greatly appreciated!
Isn't this hawk awesome?? I admire these birds - they are SO majestic! - but I have a tendency to forget that their prey is other animals and birds I love. He comes around our back yard every now and then, but this is the first time I've been able to get a picture of him; he's very wary of movement!
I chose this verse to go with this picture today because of something that is deeply troubling me - and it has to do with the church we used to attend. If you still attend that church, please know that I'm not trying to be ugly or gossip; I hope you know me better than that. But there is something I need to talk about: God's insistence that we LOVE one another, not only in a certain church body, but AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST.
As Christians, we are supposed to be known by our LOVE - for one another, for Christ, and for the world. Unfortunately, what I've seen happening the past 20 years or so is a building of walls in MANY of our church bodies; have you ever been in a sermon and heard something like, "Thank God we don't do what that church down the road does!"? Or, "Unlike so-and-so, we truly believe in the (fill in the blank)!"? Doctrine and theological differences are NOT reasons to build walls, my sisters.
Those walls are WRONG. We are to show LOVE to each other, not disdain. Now, we don't have to LIKE each other, at least from what I can read. :D But we DO have to show love. How?? Guess what! There's a whole chapter in I Corinthians that DEFINES love and how to show it!
It's NOT easy to love people who are different, or who we PERCEIVE as being different or having done something wrong to us. But that same chapter says we're to keep NO RECORD OF WRONGS. As a matter of fact, God tells us that if we don't forgive, we won't be forgiven (Matt. 6:14, Luke 6:37). Harsh, right? Nope. Take a look at the parable Jesus told us in Matthew 18:23-35!
That church has had a revolving door since we began attending ten years ago. People just leave. Regardless of the reasons involved, there should be nothing but love expressed toward each other, on both sides. Or, as Paul said in the Galations passage, we'll be destroyed by each other. Do you know how many people don't go to church anymore because of the hypocrisy they've seen? It's so very, very sad. The very place we should be able to go and be OURSELVES, and accepted for who we are, is the place that's become a place to put on a false front and pretend that everything's OK - because we might really get hurt if anyone knew who we really are.
It goes back to that poem I posted last month. We all NEED to be able to be honest about who we are. There is NOT ONE righteous among us, but in Him, we are ALL given HIS righteousness. Who are we to judge each other????
Sisters, LET US LOVE ONE ANOTHER, FOR LOVE IS FROM GOD. If I have wronged you, please tell me so I can ask forgiveness and get us right with each other and with Him!!!!
We are LOVED by God; isn't it time we let the WORLD know we're His, by showing His love for each OTHER????? His GRACE is abundant enough for ALL!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What a beautiful morning!
- I'm thankful for my hostess club stampers, who help me keep in business!
- I'm thankful for our new church, new pastor, and new lessons.
- I'm thankful for new friends!
- I'm thankful for a beautiful home and loving parents who grace us with it.
- I'm thankful the election is OVER!
- I'm thankful for my husband running errands so I don't have to!
You can use the comments section to list, everyone, or you can just use it to tell me you're listing. :) I promise you that this will make you feel even more grateful, and lift your heart. Remember the old song!
Count your blessings!
Name them one by one!
Count your many blessings -
See what GOD has done!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
7:52 AM
Labels: gift, God, grace, gratitude, laughter, lesson, life, Lori, love, parents, peace, personality, photography, plans, pleasant places, Pooh, thank you, Thanksgiving, thoughts
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
It's my friend Ginny's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Please, if you read my blog at all, you know how important uplifting each other is. Ginny and her husband, Phil, and her girls are battling Phil's cancer, plus Ginny has health challenges, too - but their faith is in our Heavenly Healer. Please head over to HER BLOG to say happy birthday and uplift her today!!!
LOVE YOU, GINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What a GLORIOUS Sunday afternoon!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Good morning! :)
Yes, I'm actually up this early today. :) Mom and Dad are leaving on vacation, and Kenn had to work early. So, I'll probably take a nap in a little while. :D It's a cool, crisp, still-dark morning. I love this time of day - but I'm not so sure I enjoy being AWAKE.... :D
This is our house. It's a warm, welcoming, inviting place to come - at least, most people seem to think it is. Mom has done an incredible job with it; the decorating, the thoughtful little touches around every corner - she's put a lot of thought into making this house a home.
In the 80s, when I was in college (I know, I'm dating myself pretty badly there!!!), there was a booklet used heavily by Campus Crusade called MY HEART, CHRIST'S HOME. Did you ever read it? It compared our hearts to a house, and how it can't be His home until He has the keys to EVERY door in it.
It occurs to me that some of us don't even really LIVE in our "homes". I see a lot of people whose hearts are more a storage area - some things they don't want to think about take a lot of the closed-door rooms; some things they want to dwell on are just inside the front door, so they can reach those and get out without having to face those closed doors.
I want to encourage you, TODAY, to allow Christ to air out your house. Give God permission to move you!
Psalm 19:14: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 26:2: Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind....
Psalm 37:4-5: Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this....
And finally, let us cry out with David!
Psalm 51
For the director of music. A psalm of David. When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.
1 Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
4 Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you are proved right when you speak
and justified when you judge.
5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
9 Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will turn back to you.
14 Save me from bloodguilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
18 In your good pleasure make Zion prosper;
build up the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings to delight you;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
As the sun rises this morning, I am praising God for the good work He has started in our hearts today - and KNOW that He is faithful to complete it. May you allow Him to "clean house" today, to restore the joy of your salvation in your heart. :)
You are LOVED, dear friend. We are highly favored, treasures to Him. We are blessed beyond measure - let us LIVE for Him today! Give HIM the glory for EVERYTHING today!!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Good afternoon!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Good morning!
2 Worship the LORD with gladness;
3 Know that the LORD is God.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
Monday, October 13, 2008
From a Friend....
Beautiful Christian Sister
by Maya Angelou
'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean livin''
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain..
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Pretty is as Pretty does... but beautiful is just plain beautiful!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
8:09 AM
Labels: challenge, character, forgiven, forgiveness, friends, friendship, lesson, life, Lori, love, pleasant places, Pooh
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
PLEASE go read this post!!!
WOW. I still have tears in my eyes. GO READ THIS. It will make SUCH a difference in your day!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pleasant Monday Afternoon to You!
Good afternoon! Boy, this day is FLYING by!!! (I'm really hoping this picture is bigger when I publish this blog....)
I'm sorry it was raining outside your windows, girls. :D Actually, I'm not. We haven't had rain in weeks again, so you're getting blessed! :D And I bet it's even nice. I remember New York State, Ginny. :) The rain still makes me feel so glad to have a cozy home!!! :)
ANYWAY. We had an incredibly busy weekend, and I needed most of yesterday afternoon and evening to get my brain back. Phew, I felt braindead yesterday! Today, Kenn had to take off quickly when they called and told him he'd had an early-morning assignment no one bothered to tell him about; he'll be gone all day. So, I've been working, blogging, and trying to make home a pleasant place to be again. I've got a long way to go, but every little bit helps!
Think about this: if pleasant words are a balm to the soul, I think there's something as great about our environments that affects our well-being. Of course, it's usually easier to control our homes than our TONGUES.... :D But I think that's why women really respond to calm places, to colors, and why one of our heart's desires (usually, it's not always true!) is to create a HOME. Not just a house, not just someplace to eat and sleep, but someplace that is a refuge. Someplace that is what a tired soul needs after fighting the fight.
I don't do a good job with following through a lot of times, but I DO have that desire. I've done pretty good about fighting my packrat tendencies, but I have to fight Kenn's, too, and sometimes it overwhelms me. But Mom and Dad have provided us with SUCH a wonderful place to live, I'm determined to continue to fight! :D
OK. I'm off to do some design work, and to work on my home a little. I'd love to hear from you! What are you doing? How do you feel about what I wrote? How was church? (I'll try to remember to post about our services yesterday; I just run out of words to tell you BLESSED we are, every time we go!!!)
Count your blessings, dear one. I know some of you are going through an INCREDIBLE struggle right now. My heart hurts for you. Please know I care, and I'm praying for you. And God loves you. He can take all your disappointment, anger, frustration, lost dreams, and LOVE you.
Until next post! :) YOU ARE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
11:03 AM
Labels: difficulties, discouragement, heart, home, honor, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, peace, play, pleasant places, Pooh, scarecrow
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's FINALLY fall!
Good evening, dear ones! It's FINALLY beginning to cool down here - today was such a beautiful day here. Kenn and I went to the orchard, and took a wonderful drive in the country. It was cool, and clear, and just beautiful. :) I love days like today!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Here I am. :)
So sorry I've been MIA. I haven't felt really well on the days I've not been busy. Please pray that that cycle STOPS. I'd like to feel GOOD for a bit. :D
Today's post is a poem that I fell in love with in college. It hit me right where I was - I used to wear masks all the time, for fear of others' opinions of me. What I learned the year I found this poem was that everyone has fear of others. We're all in the same place - we need to be loved. Regardless of whether the author is Christian or not, I think his message SHOUTS about how we should interact with each other.
Let me know what you think. :)
Posted by
Lori Stilger
1:07 PM
Labels: character, communication, compassion, difficulties, forgiveness, friendship, God, grace, interpersonal, intimacy, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, peace, Pooh, walls
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Remember my talking about making posters available?
Well, we've found a way to do this! :) We'll be adding more, but all the flower shots with verses that I have done are uploaded on this site. If there's a picture you'd like a specific verse on, or anything like that, please let us know! :) We're excited about getting to share our work with you!
Enjoy browsing! :)
Posted by
Lori Stilger
9:11 AM
Labels: Lori, photography, Pooh, posters
Guest Article Today!!!
More than anything, keep loving each other actively;because love covers many sins.~ 1 Peter 4:8
Have you figured out yet that this life is all about relationships? The Relationship Expert Himself wrote an entire Book about this matter of relationships. The First Four Words of The Ten (Commandments) He gave us had to do with relating to Him…and the Last Six Words had to do with relating to everyone else!
What I’m trying to say, folks, is that it matters to our LORD how we deal with one another…yes, even ‘Sister Scouring Pad’ (the one known for her abrasive qualities). Did you know that our (horizontal) relationships are the TELLING FRUIT of our most vital (vertical) relationship to the Father...the ROOT? We are able to know the true condition of how our Heavenly Father views our relationship with Himself simply by examining our relationships with the 'one anothers' in our lives.
We all have at least one relationship in need of His healing touch, don’t we? 1 Peter 3:8-12 describes a process of His sanctification in us through friction with others…’it is to this we have been called that we might receive a blessing’. We receive this blessing as we do things His way and give up the right to ourselves.
Recently, I had the privilege of sipping some very expensive coffee (as in ‘Venti fat-free hazelnut latte, please!’) across the table from a new friend. We both shared our strange love for acronyms. You see, the LORD gave me a brain that can be easily confused, so I have found that acronyms serve me well in remembering what I should do in a complicated situation. Sometimes I do not have time to grab my Bible and look up the appropriate responses. Perhaps this is why His Spirit instructs us to ‘hide (the Word) in our hearts that we might not sin against Him’!
H.U.G.S. is surely one great acronym to commit to memory in dealing with inevitable conflict. The definition of conflict is ‘to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; to clash’. Has this ever happened to you? John records these words from Jesus: “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
We have tribulation because sin resides in every human heart. But let’s not kid ourselves - even if you or I were the only one on this earth, we’d still have our issues! Therefore, we can look at conflict as an event and H.U.G.S. as appropriate God-honoring, Christ-exalting responses to a brother or sister. Until the LORD comes back, His Spirit will be teaching us all about His blessed grace and giving us ample opportunity to grow in it and extend it to others.
What would our relationships look like if we dealt in the following manner with each other?
• H - Honestly (Proverbs 24:26; Romans 12:9-10)
• U - Understandingly (Proverbs 14:29; James 1:20)
• G - Graciously (Colossians 4:6; Proverbs 11:16; Ecclesiastes 10:12) AND finally…
• S - Simply (Matthew 5:37; Proverbs 10:19; Ecclesiastes 5:7)
Because HUGS are a very SUPERnatural response, they are able to soften the edges of even the harshest Sister (yes, even Sister Scouring Pad or Brillo Britches…whichever you prefer).
Baruch Ha Shem ADONAI!!
Because HE Lives!
Join Carmen daily at her personal blogspot
Posted by
Lori Stilger
8:45 AM
Labels: character, communication, conviction, family, forgiveness, friends, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, pleasant places, Pooh
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
This, That, and The Other....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Happy Tuesday!!
ANYWAY. We had a lovely time getting away to Smyrna this weekend. :) We went and dropped Kenn's wedding band off for resizing- my gift to him for our anniversary. :D Then, we went and had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings - Kenn loves to play trivia there! :) He has a LOT of knowledge, and always impresses me.
Off to the hotel we went, and checked in just fine. We had a "suite", and it was really comfy. We set up our computers and made sure we both could get online ;), and off Kenn sped to work - just a few minutes away!
I took a short nap, then worked most of the afternoon. But it was so nice to not have other things I "needed" to do distracting me; I watched TV, had a snack, read some of a book I took, and just generally kicked back while working. :D Kenn came back around 8, got changed, and we went to a local restaurant for dinner. We had a really good dinner! Appetizers, and dinner - and we were soooooooo full, but took a piece of their carrot cake with us; we'd been told it was their signature dessert. :)
Back we went, and it wasn't too long - some football scores later :D - that we went to sleep.
We got up about our regular time on Sunday, our real anniversary. We got ready - this is Kenn that morning :) - and Kenn brought some breakfast up for us. We also ate a bit of the carrot cake. WOW, was it rich. We decided to take it home with us, but it didn't survive the heat. It was MUCH warmer than I thought it was supposed to be!!!!
We left the hotel - which was about FIVE minutes from church - about 15 minutes after we normally would leave our HOUSE for a 35 minute drive. Can ANYONE say ANTSY?!?! ::::::::sigh:::::::::::: That's Kenn for you, in case you didn't know. :D
Church was EXCELLENT, as usual, and then we had sushi for lunch and came home to relax and unpack.
There. Now you know the whole weekend! :D It was really nice. Thank you for your well-wishes and prayers for us. :)
God's stirring up that topic in me again, girls. I'll be posting soon, the next in the series of Christian relationships.
Leave me a note, let me know you visited!!! :D BE BLESSED, dear one! YOU ARE LOVED AND HIGHLY FAVORED!!!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
4:25 PM
Labels: anniversary, beauty, blessed, blessing, forgiveness, friend, gift, God, grace, gratitude, Kenn, lesson, life, Lori, love, peace, pleasant places, Pooh
Friday, September 5, 2008
Updates and Nothin' Much :D
I had many people praying for me and could definately feel the prayers as they went up. I spent a couple of minutes before going in to the meeting praying once again that God would give me wisdom as I went in.
I don't think it is necessary to tell the contents of the meeting, but I will say this. God held my tongue when I needed to be quiet and wisdom to see what needed to be said at the right time. I truly felt God's presence in the room with me. Because of Him I could walk out of the meeting knowing that I had been obedient to God and as loving as one can be in that situation!
Thanks to EVERYONE who lifted me up that day! I am incredibly blessed to have people care even when they do not know me personally! I pray that God would pour down on you blessings far beyond anything you could ever comprehend!
Rhonda Binion
Posted by
Lori Stilger
1:40 PM
Labels: anniversary, flowers, friend, God, grace, gratitude, life, Lori, love, pleasant places, Pooh, Rhonda
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Honor Thy Father & Mother
Actually, this picture's almost 2 years old. They don't seem to hold still long enough to take a picture of the two of them TOGETHER very often. :)
My mom and dad are REALLY giving. They offered us a place to live when we didn't know what God was doing in our lives - we still share a house with them! They are ALWAYS there when I need them, for anything. When a crisis arises - as they seem to, often, in Kenn & my lives!!! - they are always there, even if we only get a sympathetic ear and good, Godly advice. :)
Mom takes care of me a LOT. She purchases most of my prescriptions; she gives me money to get used clothing and books. She puts up with my mood shifts and a-political attitudes. :D She's been one of my best friends for the last ten years, and I am so grateful for her!!!
Dad is so looking forward to retirement that I think he has trouble seeing straight sometimes. :D He's become much more light-hearted when he gets to stay home, with a ready laugh and a conversation with Kenn coming easily. This week, he blessed both Rhonda and me with a ticket for her to come for Thanksgiving - the first holiday her ex-husband will have the kids - so she doesn't have to be by herself. I haven't seen her since my wedding. :) Thank you, Dad.
I don't tell them often enough how much I love them, how blessed I am by them, how grateful I am for everything they do for me. God teaches me how to love so many times by their examples. I am SO blessed to have Godly parents.
I just wanted to honor them today, in a special way. :)
Posted by
Lori Stilger
6:57 AM
Labels: blessed, blessing, honor, learn, life, Lori, love, parents, pleasant places, Pooh, relationships, respect
Friday, August 29, 2008
Boy, ain't it the truth!
I received this email from a friend from our old church. It's wonderful! :D
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A sister needs our prayers on FRIDAY!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy Tuesday! :D
Posted by
Lori Stilger
10:18 AM
Labels: challenge, character, circumstance, conference, conviction, God, grace, gratitude, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, Pooh, Priscilla Shirer
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Beginning to gather my thoughts.... :D
Thanks, Karna. Like I never post, dear one? LOL! I blog without obligation, but I would love to be able to be a little more consistent. :::sigh:::
ANYWAY. :) Here's the jumping-off place for my thoughts.
Let's define our term. :)
Interpersonal communication: First word, "interpersonal", means "between two people". "Communication" means "a delivery of a message via both direct (the words one uses) and indirect (nonverbal, "body language", tonal delivery, etc) channels."
:D Did I lose anyone yet? In other words, interpersonal communication is something we use every time we talk to another person. To COMMUNICATE is to make a two-way street of sending and receiving information. If it's not getting through, you're not communicating! :) Does that make sense?
As humans, the indirect channels are the ones that actually deliver about 90% of our message - and BOY, if they aren't mis-interpreted half the time! The way you're standing when you say something, the vocal range you use, the eye contact you do or don't maintain - all SORTS of things go into the way we "say" things.
As Christians, it's vital that we deal with each other in love. If you use an online Bible, you can find hundred of references for the phrase "each other" - and many of the ones in the New Testament tell us to LOVE EACH OTHER - in no uncertain terms. It's the second greatest commandment, according to Jesus - the SOURCE of our love for each other. Must be pretty important, don't you think?
But HOW do we do that? One "message" at a time. :) As I continue with this topic - and it may not be every post, but be something that's definitely a thread through the next few weeks - we'll talk about the ways we're shown in Scripture to deal with each other, even in conflict. It's there, in black and white; if we choose not to hear the message, you've cut off the channel of communication with GOD!!
I pray that this topic will allow us to examine the way we deal with the important people in our lives: our spouses/significant others, if applicable; our families, our friends, our non-Christian friends, and the PEOPLE who make up the Church.
Be BLESSED, dear one! I hope you'll take this little beginning of a topic, and think about it. Examine it; I don't want anything of *my words* to take root in your heart - but if God has spoken to you through this post, don't turn off that communication!!!!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
1:41 PM
Labels: character, Christ, Christian, communication, compassion, interpersonal, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, peace, pleasant places, Pooh
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
And we have a winner! :D

It's been crazy around here, and I haven't been eating right the last couple of days - so I've been feeling really, really tired. I'm doing MUCH better today - I have to start each morning giving God control over everything I put in my mouth. I wish I could be like lots of others, who can eat the junk they want, but I'm not. :D
I'll try to post a catch-up tomorrow, but I'm not promising that's what it will be. God's still leading me to talk about interpersonal communications AS CHRISTIANS, but I'm not sure my thoughts are together enough to actually start that series. :)
Oh, you want to know who won? Well, the winner of THE SHACK by William P. Young is none other than...
Congratulations, Rhonda! It may be a week or two before you receive it, but it's on its way. :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Who am I, anyway???
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Good morning!
My but I'm tired! I've been working hard this week, and now I have a day where I get to stay HOME, but still need to get things done - and one of the things I needed to do was to get busy HERE! I'm sorry it's been a few days since I posted. I always want to do quality posts here, and some days I just don't have the time. :(
Anyway. This post is going to be for housekeeping chores - I'll be sending you a couple of other places to read. But always come BACK - you won't want to miss any of these links. :)
First, one of our friends here at Wannabe, Karna, has started her own blog. I think you'll enjoy her - she's witty and fun, and has been a dear friend of mine for a LONG time! Her blog is called SASSY LASS. :)
Second, I think we ALL forgot about THIS POST. Sorry, girls; let's give this until what, Monday the 18th? I just want as many people as can to get in on this drawing! :)
Third, I know that I've mentioned that Kenn has a blog, but have I mentioned that he's got TWO? He's started his second blog to work on his book; he began this book 12+ years ago, but never felt like he had an ending. Now, he feels like God's telling him it's time to finish it - so he's working on it again! :) You have to read from the bottom up, or it's not going to make any sense to you. :D And PLEASE leave him comments; he wants to make it the best he can. :) GO HERE to read Kenn's book! Oh, and grab a tissue when you come to the interlude about me. :D
And last but not least, my dear friend Becky P. has a friend who's in the end-stages of Cystic Fibrosis - a cause that is dear to my heart because of Greg McDougal's kids. She's trying to get 100 people to post a comment - there's also blog candy involved! - but she wants to get people PRAYING for her friend, Nancy. GO HERE to read Becky's post.
OK, I think that's all for this post! :) Summer's almost over, and I know you're busy! Thank you for sharing some of your precious time with me. I hope you'll leave me a comment, too.... :) KNOW YOU ARE BLESSED!!! I appreciate and love you, dear one!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Satan is attacking our families, our relationships - and this movie, from the church/company that brought us FACING THE GIANTS, is setting out to do something about it. PLEASE go watch, pray for the movie's impact, and plan on seeing it!
Posted by
Lori Stilger
6:48 AM
Labels: family, forgiveness, God, grace, learn, lesson, life, Lori, love, Pooh, relationships
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
EXCELLENT thought for your day!
My dear friend Becky sent me this today. It's from Crosswalk's Daily Devotional. I hope you're as convicted as I am. :)
You Get What You Pay For
Wendy Pope
"You were bought at a price."
1 Corinthians 6:20 (NIV)
Crocs: now those are some ugly shoes in my opinion! I am not always on the cutting edge of fashion but Crocs are foot fashion that I can not embrace. The colors are loud, the shape is bulky, and did I mention the cost can bust a budget? I typically like to invest my money in knock-offs rather than name brands, especially when it comes to my children because not too long after a purchase they either out grow or destroy the item. Therefore, with a knock-off, I typically get my money's worth. Except when I bought "Crocs."
My children wanted Crocs and kept asking for them. I gave in to the asking but committed not to buy the "real" thing. We went to one of the higher priced stores, not a discount box store, to make our purchase. This store was known for quality, not to mention the shoes the kids wanted were on sale. So with great excitement, we tried on some shoes, found the correct size, and paid for them. My children were so excited they asked to wear them out of the store. How could I resist? Everyone was happy for a few hours, then I heard a loud shout from the back of the car followed by a cry, "My Crocs (imitation or not we called them Crocs) broke." I couldn't believe it. I went back to the store with receipt in hand and exchanged my son's shoes.
Two days later the same shout and cry came from my son. The second pair broke. I don't have to tell you that I was regretting my purchase. I put the shoes in a bag with the receipt and was ready to return them the next time we were out running errands. We found him another pair of shoes to wear that day, and he was ready to go back outside to join his sister bike riding. As we walked out, my daughter rode up only to tell me that her "Crocs" had broken too. Are you feeling my frustration?
A week later, with the love of Jesus on my face I returned, not exchanged, the broken shoes. As I signed the receipt, I said to myself, "Well Wendy, you get what you pay for?" It was then I heard the sweet whisper of my Savior, "Do I get what I paid for?" Talk about heavy. What a loaded question.
I did not feel rebuking or discipline from the Lord but more a sense of disappointment. The disappointment I sensed was for His church, His children - me. He paid such a high price for our freedom and our invitation to eternity, but I couldn't help feeling what He often gets in return is our cheap imitation of Him. He paid the high price for the real thing, and I wonder if we give back the "knock-off" of our service and dedication. Do we take for granted that price paid, and neglect to give Him our best?
My children have real Crocs now. I broke down and made the investment. I even found them on sale. The words of the question the Lord whispered in my ear that day still echo in my mind. God made an incredibly expensive investment in my future by giving me the "real thing" of His own Son. It is up to me to make sure He gets what He paid for: a love relationship with me and a heart committed to making that same love known to others.
How about you? Is God getting what He paid for with your life?
Dear Lord, it is the cry of my heart for You know that You made a worthwhile invest by sacrificing Your life for mine. Forgive me for taking the price You paid for granted. With the help of Your Holy Spirit I can live a life that will not be a cheap imitation, but the real deal. In Jesus' Name, Amen.